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December 29, 2005

Who's Who - Add a Name

List Guidelines

The who's who is intended to be a directory of those who care about mortgage fraud.

The list is strictly voluntary.  If you are on the list and would like to be removed (don't worry - you won't hurt my feelings), just send me an email.  I promise to promptly and discretely honor your request.

If you care about mortgage fraud (or appraiser fraud), and would like to be added to the list, please follow these simple instructions.

Check to make sure you are not already on the list.

I need the following info (if applicable):

  1. Your email address
  2. Your name
  3. Company Name
  4. Website URL
  5. Mailing (postal) address
  6. Telephone number

It will be much appreciated if you can put a link to the Who's Who list on your Website.  This is not required, but it does make a positive difference.  Copy the text/code sample below.  When you contact me, please tell me if you have a link to my site or not, and if so, please tell me where it is.  Please make it easy for me to find your link.

When you have all this ready, please contact me - preferably by email, or you can find my contact info here.

To add a link, edit/copy/paste this to your Web page:

Who's Who of who cares about mortgage fraud.

Sending out a "mass" email is harder than it you might think.  For someone like me, I wonder about the technical definition of "spam".  The one thing that separates me from all of the spam I see is that I have a valid return address.  All of the spam I see comes from people who go to great lengths to remain anonymous.

Detailed instructions and example of how to link to this Website.

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